My Luxury & Affordable Fragrance Wishlist
In case you don’t know, I am obsessed with fragrances! If you know me, you know I like to look good & smell good lol. My fragrance collection has grown so much within the last few months & I am looking to continue the growth. I am looking for fragrances that are “different” from what I have in my collection currently. I want to explore with different brands and fragrance notes.
Here’s the top 5 fragrances that I want to add to my fragrance collection:
You all can expect me to add these fragrances to my collection very soon. I’ve been super into expanding my fragrance collection because I find that fragrances make me feel more feminine and complete my outfits lol.
What fragrances have you been eyeing to add to your fragrance collection? Let me know down below in the comments!